With busy hurricane season expected, FPL, Council on Aging give Nassau seniors meal kits

Samuel Mayfield, a Florida Power & Light community relations specialist, gives a hurricane preparedness meal kit to Nassau County senior James Betts. The utility and the Nassau County Council on Aging distributed 450 kits to 150 seniors.
Samuel Mayfield, a Florida Power & Light community relations specialist, gives a hurricane preparedness meal kit to Nassau County senior James Betts. The utility and the Nassau County Council on Aging distributed 450 kits to 150 seniors.

Florida Power & Light and the Nassau County Council on Aging recently delivered 450 hurricane meal kits to about 150 local seniors for the 2024 storm season, which is predicted to be particularly aggressive.

"For local seniors who may not be able to leave their homes or receive home-delivered meals post-storm, hurricane meal kits help ensure that they are equipped with vital supplies," according to the utility.

At a senior center in Hilliard, Florida Power & Light and Nassau County Council on Aging volunteers assemble and distribute hurricane preparedness meal kits for local elders. Each of the meal kits contain watered and a three-day supply of food.
At a senior center in Hilliard, Florida Power & Light and Nassau County Council on Aging volunteers assemble and distribute hurricane preparedness meal kits for local elders. Each of the meal kits contain watered and a three-day supply of food.

The kits include three days of shelf-stable food, water and snacks and a storm preparedness guide. Hurricane season is June 1 through Nov. 30.

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In May the National Hurricane Center predicted as many as 25 named storms, which would be a record number. Colorado State University predicted Florida has a 96% forecast probability of being impacted by a named storm, 75% chance of being impacted by a hurricane and 44% of being impacted by a major hurricane.

bcravey@jacksonville.com, (904) 359-4109

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: FPL, Nassau Council on Aging help seniors prepare for hurricane season